A Jethro Jones

A Jethro Jones

Appears in 778 Episodes

Jeff Bradbury Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Jeff Becker Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Amy Baeder Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Tamara Fyke Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Mitch Weathers Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Adam Welcome Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

The Future of Project Based Learning with Thom Markham Transformative Principal 235

  Thom Markham is a founding father of Project Based Learning. Started in the mid-90s at a high school trying to reclaim the positive name of the school. Formed chart...

Courtney Orr Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Jennifer Abrams Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Todd Nesloney Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Rick Wormeli Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Transformative Principal Live at #NPC18

This was a recording from our Connectathon session.  Jayneellsperman.com

Fran McGreevy Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Demetrius Ball Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Rachel Moree Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Amy Fast Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Naphtali Hoff - influencer

Nancy Conrad Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Stop Making Excuses with JT McCormick Transformative Principal 234

JT McCormick is the Co-Founder of Book in a Box. Email him JT’s interview on the 1 Thing podcast Scaled software company, now a president and CEO of a publishing comp...

Will Parker Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Justin Baeder Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Baruti Kafele Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

This is a teaser for the Transformative Leadership Summit

Richard Gerver Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Adam Pisoni Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser

Be the One with Ryan Sheehy Transformative Principal 233

  Be the One with Ryan Sheehy Transformative Principal 233 Social media: Work doesn’t always have to be done in the traditional space. Ryan Sheehy is an educator, spea...

Can Do U with Jeff Becker Transformative Principal 232

Can Do U with Jeff Becker Transformative Principal 232 Social Media: A vision is a filter you make decisions through. Jeff Becker is a former motivational speaker who ...

Creating a Gradeless Math Classroom when grades are still required with Andrew Burnett Transformative Principal 231

  Andrew Burnett is a veteran teacher of Math who took a few years to do research, and is back in the classroom making a big splash with going gradeless. Study measur...

Phlight Club with Amy McDonald Transformative Principal 230

  Amy McDonald helps kids have a strong web of support The goal is for youth to have a strong enough web that they can come back. The Survey that kids take at Phlight...

Helping Kids have a Web of Support with Amy McDonald Transformative Principal 229

  Amy McDonald helps kids have a strong web of support Working with kids vs doing work for kids. Developmental ecology of a youth Strengths-based Lots of training for...