A Jethro Jones
Appears in 778 Episodes
The Future of Project Based Learning with Thom Markham Transformative Principal 235
Thom Markham is a founding father of Project Based Learning. Started in the mid-90s at a high school trying to reclaim the positive name of the school. Formed chart...
Transformative Principal Live at #NPC18
This was a recording from our Connectathon session. Jayneellsperman.com
Stop Making Excuses with JT McCormick Transformative Principal 234
JT McCormick is the Co-Founder of Book in a Box. Email him JT’s interview on the 1 Thing podcast Scaled software company, now a president and CEO of a publishing comp...
Baruti Kafele Transformative Leadership Summit Teaser
This is a teaser for the Transformative Leadership Summit
Be the One with Ryan Sheehy Transformative Principal 233
Be the One with Ryan Sheehy Transformative Principal 233 Social media: Work doesn’t always have to be done in the traditional space. Ryan Sheehy is an educator, spea...
Can Do U with Jeff Becker Transformative Principal 232
Can Do U with Jeff Becker Transformative Principal 232 Social Media: A vision is a filter you make decisions through. Jeff Becker is a former motivational speaker who ...
Creating a Gradeless Math Classroom when grades are still required with Andrew Burnett Transformative Principal 231
Andrew Burnett is a veteran teacher of Math who took a few years to do research, and is back in the classroom making a big splash with going gradeless. Study measur...
Phlight Club with Amy McDonald Transformative Principal 230
Amy McDonald helps kids have a strong web of support The goal is for youth to have a strong enough web that they can come back. The Survey that kids take at Phlight...
Helping Kids have a Web of Support with Amy McDonald Transformative Principal 229
Amy McDonald helps kids have a strong web of support Working with kids vs doing work for kids. Developmental ecology of a youth Strengths-based Lots of training for...