A Jethro Jones
Appears in 778 Episodes
How to Write a Book Every 60 Days with Mark Cheverton Transformative Principal 140
Mark Cheverton Twitter is an author, teacher, and physicist. Nerdy writing stuff. How to be an author. The process of writing a book. Story Engineering <-amazo...
Planning Building Inservice with Jethro Jones Transformative Principal 139
In this episode, I talk about how I ran building inservice. Here are a couple links mentioned in this podcast. Buy the Transformative Leadership Summit Hacking Releva...
Inspiring Big Change with Jon Laffoon Transformative Principal 138
Today, I talk again with Jon Laffoon about the big changes you can make in a school and how to make them. This was part of the Transformative Leadership Summit, whi...
Reflecting on the Transformative Leadership Summit with Jethro Jones Transformative Principal 137
Listen as I reflect on the Transformative Leadership Summit, which ends August 15, 2016. This is in my mastermind, which you can contact me about joining. It's not ...
Transformative Leadership Summit Q&A with Jethro Jones and Daniel Bauer Transformative Principal 136
This episode is the Live Q&A that Daniel and I did for the Transformative Leadership Summit this week. I hope you enjoy it. The Transformative Leadership Summit launc...
Failure is not an Option with Rachel Yanof Transformative Principal 135
TOMORROW! The Transformative Leadership Summit launches. Please, join me! Click HERE to register for Free Access to over 40 amazing education leaders who are ready to ...
Every Student in College with Rachel Yanof Transformative Principal 134
In just one week, the biggest and best leadership conference for educational leaders starts! Please join me to hear from over 30 experts in leadership and education as...
How to Listen to Students with Amy Fast Transformative Principal 133
JOIN the #1 online conference for Educational Leadership: Transformative Leadership Summit. Join now for free access to over 40 educational leaders expert interviews! ...
It's the Mission with Amy Fast Transformative Principal 132
Join the #1 online conference for educational leaders: Limited Free Admission - Transformative Leadership Summit Assistant Principal Dr. Amy Fast explores the respons...
Stop Stealing Dreams with Seth Godin Transformative Principal 131
Yes, that Seth Godin! What an amazing opportunity to interview Seth on the podcast. He was so very generous with his time. I asked him questions like the following: Ho...
Leaders aren't Technicians with Scott Beebe Transformative Principal 130
Scott Beebe is the founder of My Business on Purpose where he teaches business leaders to be be successful. He also teaches families how to create a family vision miss...
Changing Hearts with Scott Beebe Transformative Principal 129
Scott Beebe is the founder of My Business on Purpose where he teaches business leaders to be be successful. He also teaches families how to create a family vision miss...
Establishing Your Core Values with akprincipals Transformative Principal 128
In this episode this week, we are listening to some principals share their core values as a result of what they did as an activity as part of "The Principal 50" book c...
Not Just the Hard Data with Kimberly Miles Transformative Principal 127
Today I am honored to interview Kimberly Miles about our Mastermind Group. If you're interested in the Mastermind, please visit http://transformativeprincipal.org/mast...
Mastermind with Terri Walker Transformative Principal 126
It's time to fill the Mastermind! I'm opening up some slots for the mastermind. Now's your chance to get in and experience what Terri has experienced. I can't wait for...
Habits of Highly Effective Kids with Jonathon Wennstrom Transformative Principal 125
Livonia Michigan Suburban district with 300 students, 16,000 in district Pre-K–4th. 5 years, 21 years in 14 years as a principal @jon_wennstrom sparkoflearning.blogspo...
School-Wide Meetings with Jonathon Wennstrom Transformative Principal 124
Livonia Michigan Suburban district with 300 students, 16,000 in district Pre-K–4th. 5 years, 21 years in 14 years as a principal @jon_wennstrom sparkoflearning.blogspo...
Participate Chats with Brad Spirrison Transformative Principal 123
Participate.com use it for chats–it works really well. Check out this cool minute-long video about how it works. View a longer webinar about participate learning. Ev...
Design Thinking Process with Susie Wise Transformative Principal 122
This is part 2 of my interview with Susie Wise. Susie has had multiple incarnations at the d.school – teaching EX-Tools back in the trailer days, launching the K12 Lab...
Shadowastudent with Susie Wise Transformative Principal 121
Susie Wise has had multiple incarnations at the d.school – teaching EX-Tools back in the trailer days, launching the K12 Lab in 2007 with the Nueva School Innovation L...
Saving Money with Smarter Scheduling with Jon Laffoon Transformative Principal 120
Jon Laffoon is the principal of Pea Ridge High School in Arkansas, where they are using a dynamic schedule called the flex mod schedule to allow time to serve students...
Time Serving Students with Jon Laffoon Transformative Principal 119
Jon Laffoon is the principal of Pea Ridge High School in Arkansas, where they are using a dynamic schedule called the flex mod schedule to allow time to serve studen...
Ed Leadership Sims with Ken Spero Transformative Principal 118
Ken Spero of @edleadershipsim seeks to help leaders develop their decision-making ability by running simulations of realistic situations. Experience is the best tea...
Saying Yes More than No with Glenn Robbins Transformative Principal 117
Loading… Glenn Robbins (Twitter and Blog) is the 2016 NASSP Digital Principal of the Year. Duties of digital principal of the year. Things that were done to g...
Innovation Incubator with Jason Markey Anita Huffman and Meaghan O'Neil Transformative Principal 116
Leyden East High School Principal Jason Markey, assistant principal Anita Huffman and principal-to-be-current-special-education-teacher Meaghan O’Neil join me to tal...
Mastermind with Jethro Jones and Daniel Bauer Transformative Principal
Today, Daniel Bauer and I talk about our Mastermind. I encourage you to join. Check it out here: Transformative Mastermind. If you still have questions or are read...
Top Ranked and Still Improving with Eric Hieser Transformative Principal 115
A continuation of my discussion with Eric Heiser, Exectuve direction or Sturgis Public Charter school in Mass. Teachers go above and beyond often. Teachers who joi...
How to Create Learning with Eric Hieser Transformative Principal 114
Eric Heiser is the Exective Director of Sturgis Public Charter School in Massachusetts, where students have a 20% chance of getting in if you don’t have a sibling I...
Smart Professionals with Kimberly Miles Transformative Principal 113
Kimberly Miles is the principal of East Gresham Elementary School. 425 kids, mobility rate 64 students moving in and out since the beginning of the year. 33 percent EL...
Helping Great Teachers Fly with Rick Wormeli and Todd Whitaker Transformative Principal Special #nassp16
I was so honored to chat with Todd Whitaker and Rick Wormeli after their keynote at the #nassp16 conference. This was a really fun conversation today. These two guys ...