Ferocious Warmth with Tracey Ezard Transformative Principal 468
Download MP3Tracey Ezard Twitter is known for her ‘Ferocious Warmth’ leadership approach and professional collaborative culture work via The Buzz Academy. Tracey’s collaborative framework The Buzz which creates an environment of learning, trust and innovation is used in education and organisational systems throughout Australia. Her Buzz Diagnostic has been used by over 5000 schools and has had over 9500 educators participate. Tracey has run leadership programs for education and system leaders for over 15 years in all education sectors in Australia and in New Zealand. She also works with education federations in the UK. The Buzz Academy is an online portal that assists school leaders skill up their learning leaders in building authentic professional learning culture.
Tracey is an author of three books. In 2021 Tracey launched her third book ‘Ferocious Warmth - School Leaders Who Inspire and Transform’.
Her previous books are ‘Glue -The Stuff that Binds Us Together to do Extraordinary Work’ for leaders across all sectors who want to lift beyond convention to create high performing teams and ‘The Buzz – Creating a Thriving and Collaborative Staff Learning Culture’, designed for education leaders to support schools to bring about transformation in education.
While her experience is varied, her last education position was as Assistant Principal in the Australian school system.
Tracey has been running her own speaking and consulting practice for sixteen years. She has two teenage children, two dogs and when not at work loves spending time exploring the world. She is Board Chair of the social enterprise The Corner Store Network.
- Great leaders draw from the head and the heart
- Hard edged - results driven
- Soft edge - people driven
- Each person has a story
- How we get people on board is heart work
- Psychological safety to help people learn
- If we are not expansive, it’s very hard to get others to be expansive
- Expansive, Connection, courage, authenticity,
- Authenticity is bringing our best self
- Measuring too much of the wrong stuff
- What would you do in your school if you were bolder?
- If we’re not seeking to work out what the trigger was that got me there.
- Always learning about myself and growing.
- No matter what role you are doing, you have the responsibility to combine the head and the heart for the people you lead.
- How do you learn from people who have great skills?
- Chuck feedback culture adopt learning culture.
- When teachers can explain why they decided what they did when they were in the classroom.
- Are you a partner in learning with your teachers?
- How the brain responds when people engage (or not) in conversation.
- Self-awareness, knowing our triggers, and other strategies for going to each side of the ferocious warmth.
- Dance of ferocious warmth.
- How to be a transforamtive principal? Do some reflection on where you fit in your default reaction style.
THE KEY PIECES OF THE [[Ferocious Warmth - School Leaders Who Inspire and Transform]] FEROCIOUS WARMTH FORMULA •The Infinity symbol – a visual that brings the concept to life. •Three Intelligences – areas of thinking and skill development that, when blended, form Ferocious Warmth leadership and create buy in, continuous improvement and potential. •Four Elements – underpinning ways of being that serve as the foundation of Ferocious Warmth leaders.
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