How Superintedents are Approaching AI with Jeremy Tucker Transformative Principal Summer of AI Series Episode 538
Download MP3Dr. Tucker brings a unique perspective with a lifetime of learning experiences overseas and in the United States. Having grown up traveling back and forth between Africa and the United States he experienced a variety of learning environments. He credits his mom, his first homeschool teacher, teachers at an international school, and numerous Missouri educators for his decision to pursue a career in education. His experiences have influenced his commitment to designing learner-centered educational experiences.
He currently serves as the Superintendent of Liberty Public Schools. During his time in LPS, the District opened EPiC Elementary (2022 National Blue Ribbon School), partnered with industry to create Kansas City Tech Academy, established the UnSchool Challenge, and rolled out several micro schools including HMS by Design, EDGE, North Nation By Design, and Warren Hills Reimagined. These innovations evolved through a commitment to answering the question, “What does it mean to be learner-centered?” and always thinking about what lies at the edge of vision. In 2017 Liberty Public Schools was accepted into the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools. League districts pioneer innovative learning and leadership practices that lead to improved outcomes for students and that help prepare them for learning for life.
Moving closer to the “edge of vision,” Dr. Tucker has led the LPS community in designing a Graduate Profile, establishing a Vivid Vision, development of an equity-centered strategic plan, and advanced Real World Learning networks across the Kansas City metropolitan area.
Dr. Tucker was identified as a “20 to Watch” educator for 2016–2017 by the National School Boards Association. In 2019, Dr. Tucker was named the 2019 Missouri Superintendent of the Year.
This episode is brought to you by, where you can learn all about AI specifically in a place designed for educators through 3-minute masterclasses.
- Understanding what we mean by Artificial intelligence and how rapidly it is evolving.
- How do we leverage our data in a better way?
- How might we leverage artificial intelligence
- Jobs that could be created vs jobs eliminated.
- It’s about how we do our jobs.
- It’s important to have our
- Leveraging group think and group feedback to get to the sentiment of
- Making qualitiative data quantifiable
- Interoperability of systems - Could AI help our systems communicate
- Word Clouds
- Valuable skill that could be lost? Did I really capture everything?
- Allowing people to get their hands dirty with the feedback.
- How do we make sure that people have the ability to live in both
- GIGO garbage in garbage out.
- Machine learning in the computer
- Don’t want to miss the critical thinking piece where they just take the CSV file without understanding how things are working.
- AI is not an emerging field,
- It’s accelerating. It’s probably worth recognizing we’re all learners.
- We’re fairly progressive
- Care for the present and enabling the future.
- At times we’re learning or leading.
- how does this fit into my content area or my grade level?
- ChatGPT
- How do I integrate this into my classwork?
- Is there any difference between a teacher using ChatGPT and and Teachers Pay Teachers
- OER district, using available-online curriculum.
- Really understand the validity of the resource
- Traditional Resource Adoption vs. OER resource adoption.
- Curricular teams have choice
- Professional development, how to navigate that.
- How teachers will look at educational resources and professional development
- Field trips for admin & teachers to learn from other industries.
- What do we learn from other industries?
- For what experiences is there no substitute?
- Starts with human elements, and then we slide in the academic areas.
- Engagement - how do we ensure that everyone is engaged? Improving 2 way communication and engagement opportunities.
- How to connect with Jeremy -, follow on
OER expert - Jeannette Westfall -
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