Personalized PD with Brad Gustafson Transformative Principal 070
Download MP3Today, I am talking with Brad Gustafson @GustafsonBrad, principal of Greenwood Elementary School #GWGreats. I’ve been a follower of Brad’s blog for a long time. He is inspiring and helps me want to be a better principal. I hope you learn a ton from him, just like I have.
In this episode we talk about:
Mobile makerspaces
Sphero balls - Draw and Drive
Working on the Work (Buy the current book: Engaging Students: The Next Level of Working on the Work)
Passport to Passion
ClickToTweet: We are saying let’s celebrate creative genius!
Three goals: high student achievement, cultural relationships, meaningful technology integration
Constructive pushback
Keeping it simple
Part 2
Teachers are talented.
Failure - Moodle forums research
Monthly theme - optional vs. required.
Transparency builds trust
Teachers do great things no matter what, either openly and transparently or behind closed doors. *Invest in digital connections to deep your learning.
Educational malpractice to limit learning based on what we refuse to learn.
Please take a moment to rate this podcast in iTunes or on Stitcher.
Ready for a Modern Web Site for your school? Simple School Sites is the place to go for high quality Wordpress sites specially designed for schools.
Please follow me on Twitter: @jethrojones for the host and @TrnFrmPrincipal for the show.
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Show notes on
Download Paperless Principal.
I'm excited to announce my Book Study. Get more info and join me here.
Today, I am talking with Brad Gustafson @GustafsonBrad, principal of Greenwood Elementary School #GWGreats. I’ve been a follower of Brad’s blog for a long time. He is inspiring and helps me want to be a better principal. I hope you learn a ton from him, just like I have.
In this episode we talk about:
- Mobile makerspaces
- Sphero balls - Draw and Drive
- Working on the Work (Buy the current book: Engaging Students: The Next Level of Working on the Work)
- Passport to Passion
- ClickToTweet: We are saying let’s celebrate creative genius!
- Three goals: high student achievement, cultural relationships, meaningful technology integration
- Constructive pushback
- Keeping it simple
Part 2
- Teachers are talented.
- Failure - Moodle forums research
- Monthly theme - optional vs. required.
- Transparency builds trust
- Teachers do great things no matter what, either openly and transparently or behind closed doors. *Invest in digital connections to deep your learning.
- Educational malpractice to limit learning based on what we refuse to learn.
Please take a moment to rate this podcast in iTunes or on Stitcher.
Ready for a Modern Web Site for your school? Simple School Sites is the place to go for high quality Wordpress sites specially designed for schools.
Please follow me on Twitter: @jethrojones for the host and @TrnFrmPrincipal for the show.
Show notes on
Download Paperless Principal.
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