Search Results

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in total

Personalized Learning with Scott Johns Transformative Principal 167

Scott Johns is a former high school CTE teacher, and now works for Education Elements, former educators and administrators who are passionate about education. What e...

An Individualized Education Program for Every Student with Scott Johns Transformative Principal 168

  Scott Johns is a former high school CTE teacher, and now works for Education Elements, former educators and administrators who are passionate about education. Stud...

Curating Knowledge with Jerry Snow Transformative Principal 204

Jerry Snow is a District Administrator and former high school and middle school principal. contact information is there. P...

The New School Rules with Anthony Kim Transformative Principal 244

The New School Rules with Anthony Kim Transformative Principal 244 Social Media: We talk about failing forward, but we never set up the conditions for failure. Anthony...

Creating Psychological Safety with Keara Mascareñaz Transformative Principal 303

Keara Mascareñaz Managing Partner, Organizational Design at Education Elements. She helps schools and districts focuses build and scale a culture of innovation through...

My Next New Adventure with Jethro Jones Transformative Principal 484

Last month I talked about the TBD framework for making career decisions, and as I teased at the end of that episode, I was evaluating a current opportunity for myself....

Personalized Learning and AI with Paul Thiessen Transformative Principal 589

In this episode, Jethro is joined by Paul Thiessen and we talk about a broad range of topics from Podcasting for the school community to AI and Personalized Learning. ...