All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 60 of 782 in total

The Past, Present & Future of UDL with Chief Content Officer David Gordon #udlcon

This episode is a special episode from UDL-Con, powered by CAST. CAST just released the Guidelines for (Universal Design for Learning) UDL 3.0, which you can find here...

Insights from UDL-Con with Corinne Quintana & Mrs. G #udlcon

This episode is a special episode from UDL-Con, powered by CAST. CAST just released the Guidelines for (Universal Design for Learning) UDL 3.0, which you can find here...

Better Teaching with Gene Tavernetti Transformative Principal 614

Everyone should have a coachThere are people who are viewed as the real prosThe difference between having a coach and “just getting better”The biggest mistake coaches ...

Bridging Gaps in CTE with Donald Walker #udlcon

This episode is a special episode from UDL-Con, powered by CAST. CAST just released the Guidelines for (Universal Design for Learning) UDL 3.0, which you can find here...

Fostering Student Agency with Shelley Berman #udlcon

This episode is a special episode from UDL-Con, powered by CAST. CAST just released the Guidelines for (Universal Design for Learning) UDL 3.0, which you can find here...

Curiosity and Skepticism For AI Learning with Seth Fleischauer Transformative Principal 611

Teaching distance before COVIDEnglish as a foreign language virtually and in person. How COVID remote learning laid the groundwork for virtual wellnessStudent Wellness...

Insights from CAST's Anniversary with CEO Lindsay Jones #udlcon

This episode is a special episode from UDL-Con, powered by CAST. CAST just released the Guidelines for (Universal Design for Learning) UDL 3.0, which you can find here...

Does it hurt enough to change? with Andratesha Fritzgerald #udlcon

This episode is a special episode from UDL-Con, powered by CAST. CAST just released the Guidelines for (Universal Design for Learning) UDL 3.0, which you can find here...

Creating Phone Free Spaces with Graham Dugoni Transformative Principal 608

Vital in an education setting to experience what life is like without a phoneHow you develop character through whether you’re using a phone or not. How to help teacher...

Hats, Tats, and UDL with Bryan Dean Transformative Principal 607

Giving UDL away for freeBuilding products through grantsPeople think UDL is static, but it isn’t. Identity is important. UDL is human centric, not student centric.How ...

Sigh, See, Start with Alison Escalante Transformative Principal 606

ShouldStorm - Culture of perfectionism and criticismWe as parents want to do what is best for our kids, but we are bombarded by everyone telling us what we should and ...

Finding Localized Solutions With Dr. Joshua Barnett Transformative Principal 605

Dr. Joshua Barnett is an educational thought leader who has spent his career working to improve the effectiveness of teacher leaders. In an interview, he discussed how...

4 Simple Steps to Improve Communication with Jennifer Jennings Transformative Principal 604

In this informative interview, Jennifer Jennings, a school communication specialist, discusses the crucial role of effective communication in schools. She emphasizes t...

Using AI to build Culture in a School District with Kenny Rodrequez Transformative Principal 603

Welcome to Transformative Principal. Today, we are joined by Dr. Kenny Rodrequez, Superintendent of Grandview C-4 School District in Missouri. With over two decades of...

Leadership Development with Peter Rios Transformative Principal 602

This comprehensive discussion explores the intricate distinctions between leadership, leadership development, and leader development, emphasizing their intertwined nat...

Collaborative Response as a way to Reimagine Student Support with Kurtis Hewson Transformative Principal 600

In this podcast episode, hosts and guest Curtis discuss the concept of collaborative response, an educational framework designed to replace traditional multi-tiered sy...

Self-Efficacy as a Principal with Barbara Flowers Transformative Principal 601

In the podcast episode with Barb Flowers on Transformative Principal with Jethro Jones, the discussion centered around self-efficacy and its relation to leadership. Se...

FF - RTI Scheduling

Today, Damon Hargraves, host of the WorkflowED podcast turned the mic on me and interviewed me for the 100th episode of the Transformative Principal Podcast. I can’t b...

BPN Presents: Why Your Fundraiser Flopped with Catholic School Leaders Podcast

This is a special episode of another show on the BE Podcast Network. I recently had John Milhalyo as a guest on Transformative Principal and to I'm sharing one of his ...

No Fuss Fundraising for Catholic Schools with John Mihalyo Transformative Principal 599

The difference between a catholic school and a public school. System of Schools rather than a school system. Creating a culture of giving in the school community.What’...

The Principal 2.0 with Michael Fullan

Michael Fullan, the internationally known authority on educational leadership and proponent of whole system reform, joins us for this episode. No doubt, many of you li...

BPN Presents: How to Involve Parents In Grading Reform

Dr. Thomas R. Guskey is Professor Emeritus in the College of Education at the University of Kentucky. He is known throughout the world for his work on student assessme...

FF: You've Hired Great People, Now What?

This is a continuation of our coaching calls with Eric Makelky. Please check our previous episodes 532, 527, 523 519 514, 510, 506, and 501In this episode, we talk abo...

Do You Have Self-Doubt About Your Decisions as a Principal? From The Principal Handbook

Do you ever doubt your decisions as a principal. As a principal myself, I understand the constant second-guessing and the toll it can take on confidence.Discover the s...

Why We Should Exercise Emotion In Our Leadership with Sean Slade Transformative Principal 598

In this episode of Transformative Principal, Jethro Jones engages in a profound discussion with Sean Slade, co-head of North America at BTS Spark, about reevaluating t...

Stoicism in School Leadership with Danny Bauer & Glenn Robbins Transformative Principal 597

In this episode, Jethro is joined by Danny Bauer and Glenn Robbins, author of the book Calm In The Chaos: Ancient Stoic Wisdom for Successful School Leadership. We tal...

MESSY Leadership with Alyssa Gallagher Transformative Principal 596

Aspirational Model  Shifting MindsetEmotional Connection - Research in MESSY started at the beginning of the pandemic. There will always be the next crisis. Expectatio...

The Power of Bite-Sized Video Learning - A Vision for Learning Simulcast with Ryan Palmbaum Transformative Principal 595

Worthwhile Links: Range by David EpsteinDrip7ReadwiseAbout Ryan PalmbaumRyan Palmbaum is the founder and CEO of Dabbl Discovery, an educational, bite-sized video learn...

The Importance of Play with Dr. Jenny Nash from LEGO Transformative Principal 594

In this episode, we explore the power of purposeful play in education. Join us as we discuss the importance of play in the learning process, the Connecticut legislatio...

Do You Have A Learning Culture Or A Teaching Culture? with James Anderson Transformative Principal 593

In this episode, Jethro talks with James Anderson, who has been on the show three previous times: The Learner Agency Model with James Anderson Transformative Principal...